Música per Reflexionar

Applezup – lars’ adventure fridge (2007)

APPLEZUP - lar's adventure fridge - 2007

nou mix! aquest cop per un netlabel holandès: SONICWALKER.COM
(rip 2014) quasibé una hora d’ambient, downtempo i sons fregant l’experimentalisme electrònic…

  1. Marsen Jules – serenade (Autoplate, apl020)
  2. A New Place – guitar to abdicate (Muertepop, muerte001)
  3. Eric Delay – finding neverland (audio808, AUDIO80819)
  4. Metaxu – 01091939 Warsaw (No Type, ntsmp0312)
  5. Lisboa – deldas (persona-isla, PIR007)
  6. Galerie Stratique – Ghost raft 1967 (remix) (No Type, nta021)
  7. Misk – brain leech (qunabu, qnb005)
  8. Intelec – antartida (Miga, miga19)
  9. Monsieur Connard – exotisme (Audioactivity, AA009)
  10. Logical Disorder – paper team (Nu-Logic009)
  11. The Twombley Spiders – bicycle theme (No Type, nt100)
  12. Bacanal Intruder – mi nombre es matthew (yoyo pang, yoyo03)
  13. 82nd Ave – last smoke – (yuki yaki, YkYk011)
  14. Chenard Walcker – remember the time (Free Sample Zone, fsz011)
  15. Betelgeuse – circe (Miga, miga18)
  16. Zigarettenpause – tear apart day (Miga, miga16)

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