Música per Reflexionar netaudio

Applezup – just another forecast juice (2008)

Fa una setmanes, el netlabel Audiotalaia, que es defineix com a “Landscape experimental netlabel”, em va publicar la meva darrera sessió musical, 45 minuts de música mooooolt tranquila, plena de sorollets, textures rugoses i climes templats.

Tot i això, hi ha diversos espais webs que han citat el llançament:

  • Netlabels&News: “Tres pistas independientes que escuchadas en este orden constituyen este delicioso Mix. El tracklist esta muy bien seleccionado y el orden y mezcla de los distintos temas muy bien diseñado. Muy recomendable.”
  • Oirparacreer: “En esta sesión nos trae una selección de ambient, folk electrónico y soundscapes llena de luz. Seguro que la disfrutareis, antes, ahora y después…”
  • “Just another forecast juice by Applezup is a sublime 3 part ambient/beat/folk/shoegaze dream session that catapulted my mind and heart back into an illumined home not visited by me nearly enough these days. Each moment is timeless and folds on the next, i’ve never experienced an ambient meditation in this way. Very unique, very refined, very apple. You made your own world, i joined you there. Superb AJ.”
  • Deepgoa
  • Ka1 (en japonès)
  • (en rus)


Yearning for the summer, Audiotalaia Netlabel releases a new and refreshing Mixtape. This time and after a few time on the shadows, the section of Mixtapes reborns with three pieces brought specially from the coast line in Catalonia. Applezup (aka Christian Negre Walczak) sets up an extended mix of tracks ranging from the experimentation to post-rock, folk to ambient as well. Just Another Forecast Juice is another twist on the concept of mixtape and fixed composition or mixing.

Artwork by: Carla Ariza

Photo by: Salicrú – boadas


1. IAMBIC² – Breathe, For One Last Time
2. LOPUS – glow
3. .at/on – beatiful mind (dedicated to _tsl)

1. NEST – charlotte
2. DAISUKE MIYATANI – tameshidori
3. OZY – sugar
4. LET’S DRIVE TO ALASKA! – as we sleep
5. ERIC DELAY – finding neverland

1. PHOTOPHOB – cargo
2. BADUN – nick
3. KRILL.MINIMA – palmengasse
4. NAIFLOOP – dancing
5. PHOTOPHOB – cargo
6. RECUE – between stations
7. IAMBIC² – touch the sky

Si us pica la curiositat podeu descarregar lliurement els arxius mp3 en un fitxer comprimit zip, ara bé, el que sentireu no te res a veure amb el que posen habitualment a los 40 principales.

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Una resposta a “Applezup – just another forecast juice (2008)”

I was listening to this by the ocean with my lady and camera watching sunset. I took some photos while the audio worked its magic…

I now do response art to work that really means something to me, what better way to “review” someones art that really means something to me than to respond with more? I love this mix very much aj.

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