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Ariadna and Josep’s Movies – short video animation en anglès!

He estat provant, un servei online que et permet crear animacions força entretingudes. Vam preparar els diàlges sobre paper, els vam corregir i llavors els vam transformar en animacions. Tinc un parell d’alumnes al qui els ha encantat i estan fent una sèrie de videos. El meu fill gran també s’ha apuntat. M’han demanat si us plau que els publiqui a Internet perquè volen comprovar quanta gent els veu… De fet, els ha agradat tant que he decidit comprar-los més crèdits per seguir treballant. Pots fer algun video gratis, però si vols seguir treballant, t’has de rascar la butxaca…

A sota de cada video hi ha els diàlegs de la sèrie. Ara els volem representar en viu i en directe, però això ja serà un altre capítol del projecte, ja veurem com acaba.

Ariadna’s Movie from applejux on Vimeo.

Hello, my name is Ariadna! I’m studying English, and this is my first movie.
Today, my friend Josep isn’t here, but I think he will be next Thursday. Don’t miss the next episode, it will be exciting! I hope to see you again! Good bye!

Si t’ha agradat no et perdis els següents capítols que venen a continuació…

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 1 from applejux on Vimeo.

ARI – hello! Welcome to the second episode of this fantastic movie! today, Josep is here but there is a problem, a small problem…
JOS – What problem?
ARI – well, where are your clothes? I can’t see them…
JOS -Ariadna, don’t you know this is the latest fashion?
ARI – I think it is a little strange… Aren’t you cold?
JOS -No, this leaf is very warm, do you want to try?
ARI – No, thank you, I prefer my pink dress…
JOS -Are you sure, it is very comfortable and you get tanned too…
ARI – Why don’t we start the episode?
JOS – Ok, I will get my clothes, wait a second…

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 2 from applejux on Vimeo.

JOS – Do you remember the text Ariadna? I don’t
ARI – Of course! I always do. You are always thinking in computergames!
JOS – Really?! Do you remember the 35 pages of text?! You are a genie!
ARI – There aren’t 35 pages, I thought there were only 5 pages!
JOS – Oh, oh! I think we have a problem! What can we do?
ARI – We have no other option, We will…
JOS -… cheat!
ARI – I will go to get the pages, you go to get dressed!
JOS – Ariadna, how many times do I have to tell you this is fashion!

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 3 from applejux on Vimeo.

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 3

JOS – Hello everybody! today Ariadna is not here, but we have a special guest! for all our audience… Ariadna’s cousin: the queen of England!!!
QUE – What is this noise?! Where is Ariadna?
JOS – Don’t you remember? Ariadna is not here, she is in Hawai!
QUE – Are you sure she is not in the toilete?
JOS – Humm… It smells very strange, maby she is not in Hawai and she is hiding in the toilete.
QUE – Oh, no! That is my fault I have stomachache, sorry. The food wasn’t very good… How is it you are wearing underwear and not your famous leaf?
JOS – OH, no. I only wear the leaf to make Ariadna angry.
QUE – You are a bad boy!!
JOS – I know, and I like it!Any way, How is England? Are there many english?
QUE – Yes, but I have to go now. my stomach needs help. BYE BYE!
JOS – Sayonara baby!!!

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 4 from applejux on Vimeo.

Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic Movie 4

JOS – Hello people, it’s nice to see you again. Ariadna is not here today but I have a surprise… Let me welcome my ninja friend Roger!
NIN – Hello Josep, nice to see you!
JOS – Ok, let’s make this interesting…how old are you
NIN – I’m 46 years old. Why dou you want to know? It’s not a very polite question… do you want to fight?
JOS- I am ready when you are, but i am sure you are too scared to fight my friend Roger, you are a chicken.
NIN – That’s enough, you are going to try my ninja skills… ready, steady…

ariadna josep news from applejux on Vimeo.

The Ariadna and Josep’s Fantastic movie news

ARI – Good afternoon, and welcome to the ” Ariadna and Josep Fantastic movie”news. But where is Josep?
JOS – I’m here!! hello Ariadna.
ARI – where are you? I can’t see you. Are you behind that handsome man?
JOS – Sorry Ariadna but that handsome and sexy man is me, my love. Are you happy to see me?
ARI – No way!!! I am not used to see you with clothes on. You even wear trousers! This is amazing!
JOS – Don’t change the subject. I’m sexy and you know it!
ARI – ok, ok. I can see it is you when you dance! You dance like a duck! you are a ridiculous octopus! enough nonsense, let’s start now…
JOS – Ok, I am going to put on my usual clothes.
ARI – Wow Josep! That is a fantastic octopuss dance! you are the best!
JOS – Of course, I’m the best and you know it!!

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