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Another Gamification MOOC Course Completed

#gamification course score

Despite the completion rate for MOOCs is an average 15% according to latest papers, I have finished the five MOOCs I have started. Here’s the list with link to the specific post or the certificates themselves:

  1. 3D Printing Ninja (, 2012)
  2. Ser Más creativos (Universidad de México, Coursera, 2013)
  3. eLearning and Digital Cultures (University of Edimburgh, 2013)
  4. Gamification Design (, 2014)
  5. Gamification (University of Pennsylvania, Coursera, 2016)

A few weeks ago I completed the fifth one, again on #Gamification. This time from a business minded perspective. It was a very straight-forward course: video, quiz, open question to a discussion board, video, video quiz, long quiz, written assessment, peer evaluation and over again. I imagine that is what most people want, so that is what Coursera offers. It wasn’t bad at all, don’t get me wrong, but I still think eLearning could make learning less passive. Professor Kevin Werbach’s lectures were efficient, recalling basic concepts and examples whenever necessary, covering many areas I had never taken into consideration while using gamification.

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