Redacté este artículo el año 2007 y se publicó en diferentes blogs, entre ellos el de zemos98. He decidido recuperarlo en mi blog antes de que desaparezca del todo. Origen, evolución e influencias del término Desde el nacimiento del primer disc jockey de radio, Ray Newby en 1909, el significado del término DJ ha mutado […]
Categoria: opinió
Acabo de comprovar de quan eren els meus primers documents al que ara coneixem com a Google Drive. Del maig del 2009. Des de llavors utilitzo pràcticament a diari alguna de les seves eines. Fa uns mesos em vaig proposar treure’m el primer nivell de la certificació que ofereix Google. Avui, al segon intent, he […]
Once upon a time there was a cat who went to Broadstairs, a small town by the coast in the south-east of England. He went there to look after a small group of catalan chicks. The cat and the chicks, were all staying with differrent local families. Their weekdays in Broadstairs were similar…
Gamification in education is about transforming learning into a game. It’s been a quite hot topic this last few years. It sometimes happens you instictively do things and after some time you discover they have actually got a name. I think most things are already invented but many get improved time after time.
Have you noticed things change so quickly nowadays? Two years ago, a teacher from the University of Duke, Cathy Davidson, estimated that 65% of children entering school in 2011 would end up in job that doesn’t exist yet. Latest trends in education and sociology highlight the need to prepare our children for constant change, rather […]